Vorspiel 2024

A citywide program by spaces and initiatives around transmediale and CTM festivals



Fri, 19.01.
17:00, Pandora Art Gallery Exhibition, Concert, Performance, Installation, Hybrid Event, Screening

17:30, Liebig12 Performance, Workshop, Vernissage, Hybrid Event, Lecture

18:00, Oona Performance, DJ set, Online Event

18:00, Galerie Met Exhibition, Installation, Vernissage

18:00, Kunsthaus KuLe Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage

18:00, einBuch.haus Vernissage

19:00, Giri DJ set, Workshop, Installation

19:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition, Vernissage

21:00, Giri DJ set, Installation

Galerie im Turm Exhibition

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

einBuch.haus Exhibition

When You're Calmer Exhibition, Installation, Hybrid Event

Ventana Project II Installation, Vernissage

/rosa Exhibition, Vernissage

D59B - Unbreak My Radio Concert, Performance, DJ set, Installation, Hybrid Event

Werkstadt Exhibition

Werkstadt Performance

Sat, 20.01.
12:00, Liebig12 Performance, Workshop, Vernissage, Hybrid Event, Lecture

14:00, D59B - Unbreak My Radio Hybrid Event

14:30, Galerie@Medienhaus, Universität der Künste Berlin Installation

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

17:00, Pandora Art Gallery Exhibition, Concert, Performance, DJ set, Installation, Hybrid Event, Screening

19:00, The 4th Wall Exhibition, Vernissage, Screening

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Galerie Met Exhibition, Installation

Sun, 21.01.
12:00, Liebig12 Performance, Workshop, Vernissage, Hybrid Event, Lecture

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Mon, 22.01.
17:30, Soundwatch DJ set, Online Event

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Tue, 23.01.
18:00 Performance, Vernissage, Finissage, Hybrid Event

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Wed, 24.01.

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

18:00, Kunsthaus KuLe Exhibition, Concert, Performance, Installation

20:00, Lichtblick Kino Screening

20:30, Poropati Performance

22:00, Lichtblick Kino Screening

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Loophole Concert

Thu, 25.01.

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

18:00, D59B - Unbreak My Radio Hybrid Event

18:00, Vierte Welt Exhibition, Installation

18:00, Zönoteka Performance

19:00, Giri DJ set, Workshop, Installation

19:00, ZK/U (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik)

20:00, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Performance

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Fri, 26.01.
16:00, designtransfer@feldfünf Exhibition

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

17:00, Vierte Welt Exhibition, Installation

18:00, Kunsthaus KuLe Exhibition, Concert, Performance, Installation

18:00, When You're Calmer Exhibition, Workshop, Finissage, Hybrid Event

18:00, Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Workshop, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

19:00, Galerie im Turm Performance

19:00, Club der polnischen Versager Screening

19:00 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage

19:30 Concert

20:00, Club der polnischen Versager Screening

22:00, Club der polnischen Versager Performance, DJ set, Screening

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

D59B - Unbreak My Radio Concert, DJ set

Institut für Alles Mögliche Exhibition

panke.gallery Exhibition, Vernissage

ACUD MACHT NEU Concert, DJ set, Installation, Hybrid Event

Sat, 27.01.
13:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition, Workshop

14:00, designtransfer@feldfünf Exhibition

14:00, Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Workshop, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

16:00, Galerie im Turm

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

17:00, Vierte Welt Exhibition, Installation

18:00, Pandora Art Gallery Exhibition, Concert, Performance, DJ set, Installation, Vernissage, Screening

19:00, Air Berlin Alexanderplatz e.V. Exhibition, Installation, Screening

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

D59B - Unbreak My Radio Concert, Performance, DJ set, Hybrid Event, Lecture

Pandora Art Gallery Exhibition, Concert, Performance, DJ set, Installation, Hybrid Event, Screening

Sun, 28.01.
14:00, designtransfer@feldfünf Exhibition

14:00, Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Workshop, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

16:00, Air Berlin Alexanderplatz e.V. Exhibition, Installation, Screening

17:00, ONEIRIC SPACE Performance, Workshop, Hybrid Event

18:00, D59B - Unbreak My Radio Performance, Installation, Hybrid Event

19:30, PANDA platforma Performance

20:00 Online Event

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Mon, 29.01.
16:00, Air Berlin Alexanderplatz e.V. Exhibition, Installation, Screening

18:00, Studio Apelbaum Exhibition, Concert, Performance, Installation

19:00, Vierte Welt Screening

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Tue, 30.01.
19:00, Vierte Welt Screening

19:00, panke.gallery Lecture

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Wed, 31.01.
14:00, Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Workshop, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

18:00, Hyper Berlin Exhibition, DJ set, Installation, Screening

19:30, D59B - Unbreak My Radio Hybrid Event, Lecture

20:00, Kunsthaus KuLe Exhibition, Performance, Installation

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Thu, 01.02.
14:00, Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Workshop, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

16:00, D59B - Unbreak My Radio Performance, Hybrid Event, Lecture

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

18:00, DOCK 11 / DOCKdigital Exhibition, Performance, Installation

18:00, Hyper Berlin Exhibition, DJ set, Installation, Screening

19:00, Climate Art Collection @Lobe Block Exhibition

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Fri, 02.02.
10:00, Climate Art Collection @Lobe Block Exhibition

16:00, Hyper Berlin Exhibition, DJ set, Installation, Screening

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

18:00, Alte Münze Exhibition, Performance, Installation

19:00, D59B - Unbreak My Radio DJ set, Hybrid Event

19:00, DOCK 11 / DOCKdigital Performance, Installation

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Pandora Art Gallery Exhibition, Concert, Performance, DJ set, Installation, Hybrid Event

Haus der Statistik Concert, Performance, DJ set

Sat, 03.02.

10:00, Climate Art Collection @Lobe Block Exhibition

12:00, Alte Münze Exhibition, Performance, Installation

14:00, Alte Münze Exhibition, Performance, Finissage

14:00, Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Workshop, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

15:00, roam projects space Performance, DJ set, Hybrid Event

15:00, Backhaus Projects Concert, DJ set, Lecture

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

18:00 Exhibition, Performance, DJ set, Workshop, Installation, Hybrid Event

18:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition, Performance

19:00, Vierte Welt Exhibition, Installation, Vernissage, Finissage

Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

Pandora Art Gallery Exhibition, Performance, DJ set, Installation, Lecture, Screening

Cafe Pförtner Concert, DJ set

D59B - Unbreak My Radio Performance, DJ set

ASID Performance, DJ set, Installation, Lecture

Sun, 04.02.

10:00, Climate Art Collection @Lobe Block Exhibition

10:00, Alte Münze Exhibition, Performance, Installation

12:00 Exhibition, Performance, DJ set, Workshop, Installation, Hybrid Event

14:00, Vierte Welt Exhibition, Installation, Vernissage, Finissage

14:00, Art Laboratory Berlin Exhibition

14:00, Liebig12 Exhibition, Performance, Workshop, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

15:00, Backhaus Projects Concert, DJ set, Lecture

15:00, Kunsthaus KuLe Exhibition, Performance, Installation

15:00, Kunsthaus KuLe Exhibition, Performance, Installation

16:00, Vierte Welt Concert

16:00, Bärenzwinger Exhibition, Performance, Finissage

16:00, alpha nova & galerie futura Exhibition

16:30, The 4th Wall Workshop

17:00, D59B - Unbreak My Radio DJ set, Finissage, Hybrid Event

18:00, The 4th Wall Workshop

Mon, 05.02.
10:00, Alte Münze Exhibition, Performance, Installation

Tue, 06.02.
10:00, Alte Münze Exhibition, Performance, Installation





























The Vorspiel Collection brings together artworks, films, photo-essays, texts, graphs, images, podcasts, sound experiments, and more.

Image Gallery

Find some impressions of the 2022 opening here.


Our famous interview Staffette has returned! Watch this year's edition featuring a few of the participating spaces of Vorspiel / transmediale & CTM. The 2022 edition marks the 11th anniversary of our initiative and aim to showcase the richness and diversity of Berlin's independent project spaces and artist initiatives.


A look behind the Shared Frame streamed event for Vorspiel 2021 (pandemic edition).


How we got there and how important it was for Panke.

Essay Artwork

Postcards from the Metaverse speculates on the value of the popular 20th century medium – the postcard – in providing accessible and underrepresented perspectives on a newly- hyped infrastructure


Former transmediale artistic director Kristoffer Gansing applies a bit of home-grown numerology to reminisce about the secrets of Vorspiel!


The reSource network has been an extremely valuable resource in the process of establishing and running SPEKTRUM Berlin. It allowed us to connect with like-minded people in the city, to start up new collaborations, and to learn from those facing similar issues in running project spaces.


The essay summarizes the Czech-Brazilian cultural theorist and media philosopher Vilém Flusser’s ideas on the apparatus, codes, and programmed and manipulated society. He ends his texts by highlighting the importance of artists who might be able to play with and against the apparatus and challenge mass media and their preprogrammed functions.


From 2011 to 2014, Tatiana Bazzichelli and a team of others designed a sprawling event program called “reSource transmedial culture Berlin,” which picked up on transmediale-related projects and flung them far further.


Since 2013 designtransfer – the gallery and communicates interface of the Faculty of Design, Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin) and the public – participates yearly at Vorspiel to present various projects as exhibitions, installations, and talks related to their New Media & Design courses.


Watch a digital interview Staffette with some of the participating spaces of Vorspiel / transmediale & CTM. The 2021 edition marks the 10th anniversary of our initiative and aim to showcase the richness and diversity of Berlin's independent project spaces and artist initiatives in collaboration with transmediale.



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Events Exhibition, Performance, Workshop, Installation, Vernissage, Hybrid Event

<Media Collage_Forced Rhythm> A/V installation by Seiji Morimoto, Kyoco Taniyama and Youngho Lee

18:00 –

14:00 –

14:00 –

14:00 –

14:00 –

14:00 –

14:00 –

opening: 26.Jan. 18:00 opening hours: Wed.- Sun.: 14:00-19:00

Sunday 04.Feb. 14:30 vinyl workshop by Kyoco Taniyama – interacting with her sound sculpture 16:00 sound performance by Seiji Morimoto

Liebig12 is pleased to announce a Group Exhibition by Seiji Morimoto, Kyoco Taniyama and Youngho Lee.

It presents multi-media works, including film- looping machines, installation with Augmented Reality by Youngho, video installation by Seiji Morimoto, which shows images and sounds/rhythms of construction sites in Berlin and a multimedia work by Kyoco Taniyama that uses sound sculpture with mechanical sounds and vinyl records.

The mechanical sound of the film machine moving at regular intervals in the space reminds visitors of the metroonme’s beat or music performances by an orchestra according to a conductor’s direction: In this context, , indicates the sound of a regulated pitch played by force.

While projecting moving images through a projector, Youngho Lee uses film strips as physical, formative, and architectural materials beyond the support of moving images, and differentiates the specificity of films from the structural boundaries, viewing modes, and standardized arrangements of standard films. Lee is looking for a practice that explores ways to escape.

AR features the current situation in which highly advanced AR technology has developed night vision on the battlefield; the fact that AR was initially invented as a monitor installed onto a helmet for military purposes. It shows that the artist has carefully observed how the nature of demand for optical media has changed from a source of entertainment in its early stage to military hardware.

Seiji Morimoto’s video work, which shows cranes and materials moving slowly on the construction sites with sky and clouds in the background, attempts to capture a moment of contrast and harmony between the energy of the city and the beauty of nature.

The internal sound of the machine, captured by Kyoco Taniyama‘s contact microphone, is like the sound of our heartbeat and gives the impression of a living organism. These machine sounds were recorded at the Industriedenkmal Jakob Bengel, a former Jewellery chain maker. During the period of peak affluence of the jewellery industry, which lasted around 150 years, the environment was totally polluted. At the same time, work was performed In historical machines that effused beautifully powerful energy from human wisdom and copious efforts.

All mechanical mechanisms are controlled by rotational movement, and the rotational movement of the vinyl records can be seen as a metaphor for the biosphere of our society and the planet as a whole, which is in continuous motion without rest.

This constant rhythm interlocks and synchronizes separates works, Seiji Morimoto, Kyoco Taniyama and Youngho Lee in the exhibition, and ultimately, It transforms them into multi-dimensional parts of massive devices.

By exploring atypical expendability and non-metrica velocity conveyed in systematic kinetic films, diffractive sound, and rhythmical patterns of a Projector(or Machine), we encourages the viewers to seek certain sentiments indwelling machines and to establish a connection between our own selves and these machines.

The exhibition is like a media collage experiment.

more about the artists: https://kyocotaniyama.com / https://www.seijimorimoto.com / http://chapterii.org/artists/45-lee-young-ho/

Liebig12 Liebigstrasse 12 10247 Berlin

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